Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aromaleigh Swatches

These are all of the Aromaleigh shades I currently have. I ordered some last week when they re-opened, but they haven't arrived yet! If they arrive before they close for good, I'll try to get at least jar pictures posted.

I'm pretty sure the whole Sonic Eyes line is long gone, so I supposed I'm swatching them for posterity. They were really great. I regret not buying the entire line. Though, in my defense, when they went on clearance, Aromaleigh said that they were clearing them out so they could re-formulate them to be better. I know. Ugh. I'm still pretty upset about that. I held out for the better versions. *sigh*

Please click each photo to enlarge it. I leave them huge so you can see all the detail and different colors of shimmer and glitter and all that good stuff. Oh, and arm hair. You can see my arm hair. Isn't that awesome?

Without flash and with. Left to right: Oberon, Brownstone, Allspice, Concrete Jungle (blue sparkles!), Twinkling Lights.

Left to right: Re-Gifted, Party Dress, Swelter, Spiked Punch, Flirt A Little, Mulberry, Almost Midnight.

Left to right: Rocks! Glam Glitter in Masquerade, Girl's Night Out, Amethyst, Mirielle, Colette, Shadow Witch.

Left to right: Chocolate Heart, Lovelorn, Ambre, Rocks! Glam Glitter in Spooky, Trilium, Coney Island, Cosmos.

Left to right: Sylph, Snow, Moth, Latte, Fervor, Nasturtium.

And the Rocks! Sonic eyes:

Left to right: Bad Reputation, Ring of Fire, Tainted Love (best red ever), Pretty in Pink, Coralfang, Death Valley, Greenhell, Lazy Sod.

Left to right: Vampira, Vive Le Rock, Raspberry Beret (I hate this song SO MUCH), Lady Stardust, Hit or Miss, Lookin For A Kiss.

Left to right: Black Sunshine, Back in Black, Space Oddity, Body Electric.

I suppose that's it... *sniffle*

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