Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Afghanistan 1994 vs 2010 Photography

1994, Kabul, a Mujahedeen looks at Jade Maiwand in the old part of Kabul.

Same Jade Maiwand in 2010.

Kabul, November 1994.

Kabul. June 2010.

Kabul. November 1994.

Kabul. June 2010.

Kabul. November 1994.

Kabul. June 2010.

Kabul. November 1994.

Kabul. July 2010.

Kabul. November 1994.

Kabul. July 2010.

Bullet hole in a school blackboard at Shafaq High School in the frontline village of Ghulam Ali, Parwan province. November 2001.

A girl does algebra at a blackboard at Shafaq High School in the village of Ghulam Ali, Parwan province.. July 2010.

Kabul. November 1994.

Kabul. July 2010.

Brothers Farhad, Farhuddin and Abdul Shapoor of the Ba Deli family, who live on Shor Bazar, in Kabul's Old City. 1994.

Farhad and Farhuddin of the Ba Deli family, back at their original home on Shor Bazar, in Kabul's Old City. 2010.

Internally displaced families as a result of the fighting between Taliban and Massoud's forces, Khwaja Bahauddin, Takhar province. November 2000.

Internally displaced people as a result of the fighting in Helmand between Taliban and Coalition forces. July 2010.

Kabul. November 1994.

Kabul. June 2010.

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