I stumbled across a couple of interesting looking drugstore polishes recently. Aside from the big Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear display (got four of those) and the Sally Hansen HD display (none of them impressed me enough to pay $7 for) I saw these little beauties:

Lay It On Me, the drugstore version of Claire's Mixables. They're each three layers that don't mix together and the color in the bottle is one of the colors of the layers, sometimes with little bits of the other two colors mixed in. I didn't buy any of these, but I liked the purple, black and turquoise layered one. Which reminds me, I bough a ton of Claire's polishes a couple months ago, including Mixables and I haven't swatched them yet.

Wet N Wild Chrome. Seven shades of chrome metallic polish in tiny bottles. I think they were $1.99 each, kinda steep for Wet n Wild in mini bottles. I bought the purple one, Patina, and I wasn't impressed. It wasn't metallic or chrome at all, just a pearly shimmer purple that was kind of sheer. I was thinking these would be awesome for Konad since they're chromes, but I haven't tried the other colors to find out of they're actually chrome or just pearly finish.
Speaking of drugstore finds, I saw this brand I've never seen before: Freshcover. I bought three of the polishes to test them out and I LOVE them! It was a couple months ago, I almost want to say February or March? I haven't gotten a chance to swatch them yet either, but they're really nice.
Also weird: Meijer had a brand new, full, untouched OPI South Beach collection display complete with color charts and display nails.
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