Tuesday, June 9, 2009

LA Girls Rock Star Collection (Warning: Picture Heavy)

These just arrived at my doorstep and I am SO excited about them I had to take pictures!!

There's no sun for real swatches, but I got some good bottle shots.

I love absolutely everything about the Rock Stars. The colors, the bottles, especially the names.

EDIT:  I ordered mine from LA Girl USA!  Go shopping!  :D

Less talk, more pics! As usual, click to view full size. These suckers are HUGE.

Rockstar, Heavy Metal, Supernova, Groupie, Punk.

Party Animal, Addict, Backstage, Paparazzi.

Head Banging, Crowd Surfing, Scandal, Overdose.

Live On Stage, Double Platinum, Electric Guitar.

And some closeups:



Crowd Surfing

Double Platinum

Electric Guitar


Head Banging

Heavy Metal

Live On Stage



Party Animal





And here's some random ones that came along for the ride:

Purple Glitter, Sparkling Sapphire, Rainbow Glitter

Metallic Green, Avocado Sparkle, Emerald

Avocado Sparkle. Has golden glitter and blue/purple flash. Really unique.

Now I'm going to go pass out. Awesomeness overload.

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